Club X International, a gospel entertainment organization that groom, promote young creative gospel entertainers and also organizes constant gospel inspiring events across the continent is set to celebrate her 6th year anniversary in a very unique way. This year’s anniversary, is designed to be a Community Service Trip Event with the InnerCity Mission on Saturday 29th of August, 2015.
They will be visiting one of the Inner Cities (Ghetto’s) in the Lagos region of Nigeria for community service. They are presently mobilizing gospel entertainers (music and arts) to be part of this trip and also plan to produce some songs and shoot videos to these songs right after the trip.
This trip is design to you the beautiful opportunity to experience first-hand some the daily challenges these children encounter
This trip would be supervised by management of the InnerCity Mission.
To be a part of this trip, kindly send a mail or call the following numbers;
Ff @clubxintl on twitter, instagram and facebook