Ben Carson, neurosurgeon and Republican presidential hopeful, essentially threw down the gauntlet recently and asked evangelical Republicans to choose sides by questioning the authenticity of the faith of the other candidates.He also revealed his favorite scripture:
Humility leads on to the fear of the Lord. When you place God in the right place all things come. Humility does not require us to esteem the gifts and graces which God has granted us, in the supernatural order, less than similar gifts and graces which appear in others. No one should esteem less in himself than in others these gifts of God which are to be valued above all things according to the words of St. Paul: “That we may know the things that are given us from God.”
Humility is a turning down or moderating virtue opposed to pride and vainglory or that spirit within us which urges us to great things above our strength and ability, and therefore it is included in temperance just as meekness which represses anger is a part of the same virtue. If you have spiritual humility, you order yourself in the principles of the commandments and scripture.
Ben is a man who believes that America should move forth in this form of faith saying :
‘A lot of our values and principles our based on our Judeo-Christian faith. When there are substantial numbers of people who actually believe in the traditional definition of marriage, I’m one of them, doesn’t mean other people can’t do what they are going to do, but I actually believe they have the right to force their way of life on everybody else, nor would I try and force my way of life on anyone else.’ Probably the biggest thing – I’ve realized where my success has come from and I don’t in anyway deny my faith in God,” Carson said.’
Ben is an interesting man .Carson was baptized at Burns Seventh-day Adventist Church on Detroit’s east-side. A few years later he told the pastor at a church in Inkster, Michigan he was attending that he had not fully understood his first baptism and wanted to be baptized again, so he was. He has served as a local elder and Sabbath school teacher in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.