VICTORY CHANT (A Gospel Remix of late Brenda Fasie’s Black President) was fixed by Gospel Music Minstrel Amarachi Ochu, also known as AMARAH GIFT, in appreciation to our Lord Jesus Christ for His finished work at Calvary and the victory He secured for us over 2000 years ago.
She chose to do this song using this Old South African Vibe in loving memory of her childhood music icon, late Brenda Fasie and to express her love for South African Music as a whole.
This song is meant to remind us of Christ’s unfeigned love, what He had to go through to express this love and the gift of Salvation His death brought to mankind! We as believers are meant to carry on this victory mentality and remain grateful to Him for this redemption secured once and for all!
Having this Scintillating Old South African Vibes, this song will trigger you to dance and celebrate all the way!
Please Download, Enjoy, Share and Be Massively Blessed!