Great are You LordYou are worthy to be praised
I will praise You foreverI will praise You foreverI will praiseYou foreverAmen
You are dependableYour wisdom unsearchableGreat are You LordYou are worthy to be praisedYou reign foreverYou are JehovahGreat are You LordYou are worthy to be praisedWho will not worship a God like youYou are so beautifulDarkness cannot stand before You
Lord of light, full of GloryAncient of daysMiracle workerThat’s who You areAll of my days and foreverYou are my God
Great are You LordYou are worthy to be praised
You are marvelous and GloriousPowerful and MightyOh my GodYou are worthy to be praisedYou move the mountainYou made a way where there is no wayYou are so beautifulYou are worthy to be praisedYou have done what no Man can dobroke the chains and You set me freeput a new song in my mouth to singHallelujah! Hallelujah!!Mighty God the great I amThat’s who You areI will praise you name, foreverYou are my God
Great are You LordYou are worthy to be praised
I will praise You foreverI will praise You foreverI will praiseYou foreverOh Oh OhI will praise You foreverI will praise You foreverI will praiseYou foreverAmen
I will praise Your name foreverI will praise Your name foreverI will praise You forever